Small guide for conversation in Romanian language

Here you can find Romanian words and phrases: numbers, colors, pronouns, size, time, calendar, salutation, useful expressions, travel, at the hotel, in town, at the restaurant, at shopping.

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Because of the specific setting of computers on English language, the Romanian diacritical signs doesn't appear.
This guide is not a complete one, but an orientative one.

Numbers - Numere

one = unu
two = doi
three = trei
four = patru
five = cinci
six = sase
seven = sapte
eight = opt
nine = noua
ten = zece
eleven = un-spre-zece
twelve = doi-spre-zece
thirteen = trei-spre-zece
fourteen = patru-spre-zece
fifteen = cinci-spre-zece
twenty = doua-zeci
thirty = trei-zeci
forty = patru-zeci
fifty = cinci-zeci
sixty = sase-zeci
seventy = sapte-zeci
eighty = opt-zeci
ninety = noua-zeci
100 = o suta
200 = doua sute
1000 = o mie
10000 = zece mii

Colors - Culori

white = alb
black = negru
red = rosu
blue = albastru
green = verde
yellow = galben
pink = roz
purple = purpuriu
gray = gri
brown = maro

Pronouns - Pronume

I = eu
you = tu
he = el
she = ea
they = ei, ele
we = noi
my, mine = al meu, a mea
your = al tau, a ta
his = a lui
her = a ei
this = acesta
that = acela
that person = acea persoana

Size - Marime

big = mare
small = mic (Masculine gender), mica (Feminine gender)
half = jumatate
much = mult (Masculine gender), multe (Feminine gender)
a little = putin (Masculine gender), putina (Feminine gender)
a little small = putin mic (Masculine gender), putin mica (Feminine gender)
a little large = putin mare


hour = ora
watch = ceas
What time is it? = cat este ceasul?
one o’clock = ora unu
half past one = ora unu si jumatate
3:15 = trei si cinci-spre-zece minute, or: trei si un sfert
one hour = o ora
five minutes = cinci minute
ten minutes = zece minute
fifteen minutes = cinci-spre-zece minute
twenty minutes = doua-zeci de minute
thirty minutes = trei-zeci de minute
forty minutes = patru-zeci de minute
fifty minutes = cinci-zeci de minute

Calendar - Calendar

last week = saptamana trecuta
next week = saptamana viitoare
last month = luna trecuta
next month = luna viitoare
this year = anul acesta
last year = anul trecut
next year = anul viitor
today = astazi, or: azi
this morning = azi dimineata
now = acum
not now = nu acum
this afternoon = azi dupa-amiaza
tonight = diseara
tomorrow = maine
until tomorrow = pana maine
daytime = ziua
nighttime = noaptea
yesterday = ieri
last night = aseara; or: noaptea trecuta
day before yesterday = alaltaieri

Week's days - Zilele saptamanii
Sunday = Duminica
Monday = Luni
Tuesday = Marti
Wednesday = Miercuri
Thursday = Joi
Friday = Vineri
Saturday = Sambata

Year's months - Lunile anului
January = Ianuarie
February = Februarie
March = Martie
April = Aprilie
May = Mai
June = Iunie
July = Iulie
August = August
September = Septembrie
October = Octombrie
November = Noiembrie
December = Decembrie

Seasons - Anotimpuri
spring = primavara
summer = vara
autumn = toamna
winter = iarna

Salutation - Salut

hello = salut; or: buna
good morning = buna dimineata
good day, good afternoon = buna ziua
good evening = buna seara
good night = noapte buna
sleep well = somn usor
good bye, bye bye = la revedere, pa

Useful expressions - Expresii utile

yes = da
no = nu
please = te rog
Hurry! = Grabeste-te!
Please hurry! = Te rog, grabeste-te!
fine, great = dragut, grozav
quickly = rapid
right away = imediat
slowly = incetisor
not yet = nu inca
Please wait a while. = Te rog, asteapta putin.
Do you speak Romanian? = Vorbesti romaneste?
Do you understand Romanian? = Intelegi romaneste?
I speak Romanian a little. = Vorbesc romaneste putin.
I do not understand it. = Nu o inteleg.
I understand it. = O inteleg.
How are you? = Ce mai faci?
I'm fine, thank you. = Sunt bine, multumesc.
You look well. = Arati bine.
I do not feel well. = Nu ma simt bine.
I'm glad to meet you. = Sunt bucuros sa te intalnesc.
My name is John. = Numele meu este John.
Please pardon me! = Te rog scuza-ma!
Thank you. = Multumesc.
You're welcome. = Cu placere.
Come again! = Mai vino!
What is this? = Ce este aceasta?
What is that? = Ce este aceea?
Who is that person? = Cine este acea persoana?
Who is there? = Cine este acolo?
Is that so? = Asa este?
Yes, it is so. = Da, asa este.
It is all right. = Este in regula.
It is difficult. = Este dificil.
Do you have a match? = Ai o partenera? (Feminine gender); Ai un partener? (Masculine gender)
I have none. = Nu am niciuna. (Feminine gender); Nu am niciunul. (Masculine gender)
Yes, I have. = Da, am.
Where are you going? = Unde mergi?
Please come here. = Vino aici, te rog.
This is good. = Aceasta este buna. (Feminine gender); Acesta este bun. (Masculine gender)
Very good. = Foarte buna. (Feminine gender); Foarte bun. (Masculine gender)
The best. = Cea mai buna. (Feminine gender); Cel mai bun. (Masculine gender)
You've been very helpful. = Ai fost de mare ajutor.
You have been very kind to me. = Ai fost foarte amabila cu mine. (Feminine gender); Ai fost foarte amabil cu mine. (Masculine gender)

Travel - Calatorie

address = adresa
airplane = avion
airport = aeroport
baggage = bagaj
my baggage = bagajul meu
bus = autobuz
bus station = statie de autobuz
Call a taxi! = Cheama un taxi!
envelope = plic
map = harta
name = nume
passport = pasaport
porter = hamal
post-office = posta
ticket = bilet
return ticket = bilet dus-intors
subway = metrou
train = tren
train station = gara

At the hotel - La hotel

bath = baie
comb = pieptene
hat = palarie
key = cheie
maid = camerista
razor = masina de ras
shaving cream = crema de ras
shaving foam = spuma de ras
reservation = rezervare
room = camera
soap = sapun
toilet = toaleta
tooth-brush = perie de dinti
tooth-paste = pasta de dinti
towel = prosop

In town - In oras

I want to go... = Vreau sa merg...
I am going... = Merg...
Don't you want to go to...? = Nu vrei sa mergi la...?
I want to see the... = Vreau sa vad...
Where? = Unde?
Where is the...? = Unde este...?
Please take me to the... = Te rog du-ma la...
right = dreapta
left = stanga
far = departe
Is it far? = Este departe?
Yes, it is far. = Da, este departe.
near = aproape
Is it near? = Este aproape?
church = biserica
concert = concert
show = spectacol
dance = dans
drug store = farmacie
doctor = doctor
girl = fata
boy = baiat
hospital = spital
movies = filme
museum = muzeu
park = parc
police-station = circa de politie
river = rau
road = drum
sea = mare
seacoast = malul marii
beach = plaja
beautiful scenery = peisaj frumos
sight-seeing = vizitare
theater = teatru
town = oras
night club = club de noapte

At the restaurant - La restaurant

breakfast = mic dejun
food = mancare
Romanian food = mancare romaneasca
menu = meniu
lunch = pranz
Romanian restaurant = restaurant romanesc
Please give me water! = Dati-mi apa, va rog!
I am hungry. = Imi este foame.
I am not hungry. = Nu imi este foame.
Please have some! = Te rog, serveste!
This is delicious. = Este delicios.
What is this? = Ce este aceasta?
I want some more. = Mai vreau.
I have had enough. = Am avut destul.

At shopping - La cumparaturi

antiques = antichitati
electronics shop = magazin de electronice
cosmetics = cosmetice
cigarettes = tigari
ceramics = ceramica
dolls = papusi
embroidery = broderie
folk art = arta populara
handicraft = artizanat
footware = incaltaminte
fur = blana
jewelry = bijuterii
plates = farfurii
shopping = cumparaturi
clothes = haine
toys = jucarii
Please show me some... = Va rog aratati-mi...
Please give me... = Va rog dati-mi...
I'll take this. = O iau pe aceasta. (Feminine gender); Il iau pe acesta. (Masculine gender)
I'll take it. = O iau. (Feminine gender); Il iau. (Masculine gender)
How much is it? = Cat costa?
I will come back later! = O sa ma intorc mai tarziu.